Thursday, April 21, 2011


AWH look at Leeland. She's so cute - those sad eyes are adorable. She's a good dog.

I started Monica's Story last night and I'm almost halfway done already, haha. It's fascinating to hear about Monica Lewinsky's childhood and the mindset that lead into her White House internship where she met President Clinton, which obviously led to their affair. It's interesting!

I have been so lethargic today. I slept in much later than I have in probably a month... Honestly I feel like my body's trying to fight something off. My throat's been feeling funny too, so, I guess I just need the rest!

We're at The Taylor's house now. Mrs Laurie made a delicious dinner, and I welcomed the chill time. Just sitting on the couch and watching TV :) It's nice! Josh and Jordan are working on another parody video, hahaha... It's already hilarious!

Also, check this music grid thing out. I couldn't tear myself away... So cool!

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