Monday, August 29, 2011


One year ago today, we got married in front of our friends and family. That was such a good day! So we're celebrating our anniversary with an "us day." When I woke up, Josh had flowers and a very sweet card for me, and he even made me breakfast! What a man. We've spent the day reminiscing and laughing, and just enjoying each other's company. Josh is gonna take me out on a hot date in a few minutes, so I prettied myself up and he wore my favorite shirt :) I'm excited! It's been a perfect day, so I'm looking forward to rounding it out with a movie and some dessert. 

It's been such a beautiful year. On one hand, it feels like the wedding was just yesterday, but it also feels like I've been living with Josh for almost my whole life! Life with my best friend came so naturally. It's not always easy, but I wouldn't trade any of it. Not the fights, or the hurt feelings or the misunderstandings or the pain or any of it... those unpleasant things have brought us so much closer. We've seen each other at our worst and we still love each other ♥ That's not to say that this year has been mostly bad - that's not it at all. It's been so good. But I've just been thinking a lot lately about how God brings blessings through pain and/or suffering, so it's cool to remember the hard times and the ways they brought Josh and I closer. I'm looking forward to the many years to come!

OKAY I'm gonna go hang out with my awesome husband now. See you cats later. 

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