Friday, November 25, 2011


Here's a doodle I drew today! I don't really like the one on the right. But I like the other three - I think they're pretty cute, if I do say so myself! ;) Maybe I'll add some color to them tomorrow. 

Today I've been experiencing a bit of a thanksgivingover. Not from alcohol lol, just from all the food and the running around.. Healthy Kid would've been ashamed of me!

 I had planned to get a lot done, but that didn't happen. Instead, I sat in the tub for half the day, and I sat on the couch drawing for the other half. Josh went out a few times - he was thinking about taking advantage of some Black Friday deals, but he ended up saying no to all the big ticket items. He did snag a couple video games that he's been wanting for a while though! :) Other than not feeling well, it's been a pretty okay day. Josh and I made dinner together! We're trying to use up the last of the solid foods in the house. That was fun. I liked it. 

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