helping Josh edit a video (and that he values my input) - being mostly packed a few days before we leave -
these amazing World War 2 color photographs - that Josh enjoys grocery trips with me - Naked juice - the honor of helping out with our friends' wedding - big red barns - Bethany and David's fairy tale wedding - silly photo booth pictures - good friends over for pizza and staying late into the night - road trips - snacks for the car ride - the color red - Lincoln audio book -
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (and Other Clinical Tales) by Oliver Sacks - Pigeon Forge - clouds that wrap around the mountain - seeing people walk away from their wrecks - this awesome cabin - hot tub - cute new swimsuit - leaves starting to turn yellow - cooler weather -
Josh and Barry's new collaboration - Josh getting to talk to his good friend for over an hour while we were in town - the Smoky Mountains - rain in the mountains - Wonderworks silliness - our fun waiter at O'Charley's (Cory) - running into Ron Paul supporters in unlikely places - strawberry lemonade - L.A. Noire - bottled water -
Christian pick-up lines - Super Meat Boy - car people at Wal-Mart who just help and don't charge - rustic charm -
Caedmon's Call - windy roads up the mountain (but only during the day) - GPS - trust - - fig newtons - chocolate covered almonds - the amazing bed in this cabin (like sleeping on a cloud) - getting to sleep in - the local Kroger's huuuge Nature's Market - that Brian Williams granted Ron Paul like four answers the whole freaking debate (does it count if I'm being sarcastic?) - tactful sarcasm -
Foster the People - sweet potato fries - huge bath tub - Bubba Gump Shrimp! - seafood hush pups - the most amazing mushroom veggie burger in the whole world - pirate themed shoot 'em up arcade games - beating Josh at the pirate game TWICE - getting all the Forest Gump trivia correct - Great Smokey Mountains National Park - Little River Road - scenic drives - white rapids - holding hands - arcade fun - PacMan -
lols - feeling better - that football is back - Rack-O - awesome copper countertops - watching silly reality TV shows with Josh - Loaded Questions - Passion Tea Lemonade - "the ghost of Chef Ramsey" - Chenbot - that America's Next Top Model starts back up next week - cute grey plaid shoes - making silly faces - PB&J - GlaDos - peppermint soap - fun date days!
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