Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I love this picture of Caiden and me. He makes me feel special. I got to the Musgroves a few hours later than Josh today because I was Christmas shopping/piggy bank painting, and Caiden was so sweet when I got there... He opened the door for me and gave me the biggest grin.. He wanted to show me all his toys, he made tons of adorable "shy eyes" faces at me, he kept jumping up to sit next to me on the couch, and he even let me play with his hair a little. Right as we were leaving, he said, "I like Telli!" ♥ ♥ ♥   IT WAS SO CUTE. Little boys are the best! 

SOYEAHhh I only have three more people to buy gifts for, and two of them are things I'm making (so I just need to get the supplies) and it's not even December yet, nobigdeal. Yep, I'm having fun with Christmas this year. :D I even wrapped a couple gifts tonight, haha, that's how excited I am. Tomorrow we're going to get a tree. Our first Christmas tree! We're both really excited. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


three three three, BAM. 

This evening we're over at the Taylor's playin' Halo with the guys. Actually, the guys all went out to dinner at Ocharley's first.. Josh dropped me off at his family's.. and now they're all back over here with three TVs and XBoxes set up! Pretty fun :)

Friends, I'm sorry for the quality of my pictures lately. I know that I've been downright lazy recently. We're getting near the end of this thing, and part of me is just ready to be done with it.. but a bigger part of me wants to finish it out well. So I'm thinking about doing one of those 30 day photo challenges to make myself be more involved. And that'll leave the 31st day of December open for my closing post.

I just don't want to look back on this experience as something I fizzled out on. I wish I'd been better about forcing myself to take good pictures every day, instead of allowing myself to become complacent and stop trying. 

For example: in November alone, I've put up 8 photo booth pictures of just me. And I also had my first "missed a post for no reason" experience this month... Only two other times this year have I missed  completely, and that was due to a fever the first time, and the second time Blogger was down. SO YEAH. Obvs I've been feeling poorly, too. But that's just a lame excuse. I wanna do this thing right. 

Monday, November 28, 2011


Yes, I'm totally wearing the same shirt I wore yesterday. Just keepin' it real in Taylorville... 

We figured out what we're getting our families for Christmas today. Most of them are ordered already, but there are a few things we need to go out and get. For my mom's side of the family, we do ornament swaps every year, and I haven't been able to find anything for our assigned guys... So I'm thinking I'll try to handmake those. Could be simpler and cheaper. Also I'm thinking about hand making the cards, but we'll see. 

I'm tiiired. g'night.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


100%, undiluted, unsweetened cranberry juice is so bitter and sour! Cutting it with water helps a lot, but still :P

Josh is over at his family's again to shoot tomorrow's Messy Monday video. I've been catching up on Once Upon A Time and ANTM. Kind of boring day, but you know, that's life. 

Josh is coming home now, YAY! :)

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Still not feeling 100% (UTIs are the worst), so Josh went over to his family's to celebrate Ray's birthday without me. :/ Wish I were there. I'm trying to recover quickly by drinking lotsa cranberry juice and playing Monkey Island 2 :)

Friday, November 25, 2011


Here's a doodle I drew today! I don't really like the one on the right. But I like the other three - I think they're pretty cute, if I do say so myself! ;) Maybe I'll add some color to them tomorrow. 

Today I've been experiencing a bit of a thanksgivingover. Not from alcohol lol, just from all the food and the running around.. Healthy Kid would've been ashamed of me!

 I had planned to get a lot done, but that didn't happen. Instead, I sat in the tub for half the day, and I sat on the couch drawing for the other half. Josh went out a few times - he was thinking about taking advantage of some Black Friday deals, but he ended up saying no to all the big ticket items. He did snag a couple video games that he's been wanting for a while though! :) Other than not feeling well, it's been a pretty okay day. Josh and I made dinner together! We're trying to use up the last of the solid foods in the house. That was fun. I liked it. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011


HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Now I wish I'd taken a pic at the Taylor's too. I went the lazy route after two big meals, lol. I'm sorry I did that though. I'll have to make up for it next time we're over there!  

Without Further ado, here it is: 

The FINAL Thankful Thursday: Gifts #513-577

the Feener family - that Uncle Harold and Angelique (sp?) invited us into their beautiful home and fed us - getting to taste traditional Russian food (it was soooo yummy!) - Ethan's generosity when it comes to the baked goods ;) - seeing a bunch of deer in Uncle Harold's backyard - getting to vent a little to Alex :) - Joshie hugging me when I needed it - that Joshie's home! - getting to take a picture with everyone there - that Josh and Grandpa get along so well - Momma's accidental Mexican dip that was so delicious  - that the car made it home after lurching around like it did - that we have an extra car that got us to the Taylor's - the Taylor family - smoked turkey! - that Ray smoked some salmon for me (even though I didn't realize it was there...) - getting to eat smoked salmon tomorrow :D - Momma Laurie's delicious sweet potato casserole - sitting around the table with the whole Taylor fam - playing games with Amy and Jordan - that Amy and I were totally on the same wavelength during our new game "Sync Up" - goofing off - coming home with my sweetheart - getting to spend Thanksgiving with BOTH our families! - that we're about to start our juice feast - Fired Up with Emily - getting to see Wa-Wa and Mark and Tonya - all the times we got to hang out with Jen in the past week! - going to see Breaking Dawn with Jen and Joshie - dance party wit' ma mom - getting to help my husband out with his videos :) - a cheap(er) grocery bill this time around - YOU GUYS ♥ - a happy home - being married to my best friend - that this is the last week I have to make one of these lists ;)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Hey guys. I'm not feeling particularly chatty this evening, so. Just FYI.

 I'm watching Young Victoria right now - It's so good! Just the right amount of romance. I really like it. Thanks to Emily for letting me borrow it!  

Josh just got home from the Musgrove's :) I stayed home because I had some stuff around the house I needed to do.. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! I'm really excited about hanging with our families. We're celebrating Thanksgiving Lunch with my family, then Thanksgiving Dinner with Josh's family. Lots of food! Lots of fun. I'm looking forward to it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Today's sunset was beautiful!

So obviously I had some energy issues yesterday, since I straight up fell asleep on the couch, haha. Many thanks to Wally the Late Puppy for taking care of last night's post for me. :P I didn't get the chance to link to yesterday's Messy Monday video. And maybe I'm being bold in saying this, but IT'S PROBABLY THE BEST ONE YET nobigdeal. So you should watch it. It's all about Chuuuuuuurch Youth Groups!

Yesterday, I started this thought: "So I've been thinking a lot, a lot, a lot about when this blog will be finished. I know I want to keep blogging, but not every day and certainly not so photo-driven." It's creeping up on me.. only 39 days left! And. I honestly don't remember where I was going with that when I wrote it yesterday, haha. Just stuff I'm thinking about, I guess. *Shrug*

Josh spent the afternoon with Barry since the MacDs are leaving town tomorrow. I spent the afternoon trying to be productive. I didn't even get half my list done, haha. I think just I needed a chill day :P 

OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS. We're REALLY going to watch Order of the Phoenix tonight! 

Monday, November 21, 2011


Hi! Wally the Late Puppy here, visiting from the faraway magical forest of Opstirs once again to report that my master fell asleep on the couch last night before she had finished yesterday's post. While on the couch, she dreamt that she wrote the most wonderful blog post ever! So when she woke up on the couch in the middle of the night, she just came straight back to the magical forest of Opstirs to spend the rest of the night in her castle. Here's what she had already written on her iPod before the fateful couch nap:

Today was another fun day! Josh and I watched Eclipse this afternoon before we went and saw Breaking Dawn with Jen and my little brother Joshie :) I liked it! After the movie, Jen and I hung out in providence for a while before we came back to the house to hang with Josh for a while. It was good. 

So I've been thinking a lot, a lot, a lot about when this blog will be finished. I know I want to keep blogging, but not every day and certainly not so photo-driven. 

That's all there was on the iPod. I'll make sure that master knows to finish her thought about blogs in this evening's post. As for me, I need to start my long journey back to my other magical forest creature friends in Opstirs. Goodday!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Joshie is back in town for Thanksgiving! I was really good to see him.. When we got there, Joshie was showing mom and Alex some music videos on YouTube. Let me tell you. My mom. LOVES. "Moves Like Jagger." She and I had a full-on dance party to it...  If you can imagine my mom in Christmas PJs, doing the Jagger strut... It was hilarious. She is adorable. We all had lunch and watched the Titans game for a little bit, until Josh and I had to go. Josh helped Jordan out with a science project by filming a short video for Jordan's group project. Jen came over and kept Amy and me company while everyone else was in the back room filming. Now we're playing that Hidden in Plain View game again. IT'S FUN. But for some reason I am really worn out. I won't have any trouble falling asleep tonight!

My old swim coach found me on facebook this morning! It got me to thinking back to when I swam competitively... Wishing I hadn't quit! I chose to quit in high school because I didn't have any energy and was generally just not feeling well - that was right before I was diagnosed with Crohn's. My high school coach (different guy) told me I'd probably regret it, but I didn't believe him, haha. He was right, though! I wouldn't have been able to keep up with the crazy training schedule, but I wish I hadn't quit completely! Anyway, back to Coach Barnes. He was a good coach. I'm pretty sure I was in Jr High/early high school when Barnes led the team. He cared about us enough to push us beyond what we thought we could do, and I learned a lot of discipline from him. We worked so hard! I seriously threw up so many times during practice back then... Haha. That can't have been good for my digestive system. One time, I threw up during a morning practice, so he asked what I'd eaten for breakfast. The answer was "Cracklin' Oat Bran." He replied, "I would've thrown up if I'd eaten bran for breakfast too! You shouldn't eat cereal before morning practices anymore..." I think about that every time I hear the word "bran," hahaha

Ok I'm tired. It's been a good day. G'night, friends!

Friday, November 18, 2011


I got to hang out with Emily today! :D we went to Fired Up and I started painting a little piggy bank to join the two that currently reside on our bookshelf. I didn't finish it though because my "vision" was all over the place :p I think up more and more detailed/involved designs every time I go.. It's a problem. But I hadn't been to Fired Up since July, you guys! I had such a good time with Emily :) it was good to catch up with her.

After fired up I went over to the Taylor's where they'd just finished filming messy Monday (with Katie, Hannah and Stevens, no less! I missed out, huh..). Jen even waited for me!! That made me feel special - I got to see both my girls today. Jen, Jordan, Amy, Josh and I played this game called "Hidden in Plain Sight" (we all enjoy it so much that Josh emailed the developer this morning, who then blogged about it - check it out!!). It's only a buck in the XBox Indie Store! A BUCK! It's really fun.

THEN Mr. Mark and Mrs Tonya and Joshuwa came over for dinner :D Wa-Wa is ADORABLE. I like Mrs. Tonya. And Mr Mark is as loud as always. He helped out with this week's Messy Monday video, too... I didn't get to see any of the filming this time but from what I understand, it's going to be hilarious. I really can't wait to see it.

Josh and I ended up not watching the next Harry Potter last night :( but it's ok because we found out that Amy, Jen, Jorda,n and Sarah were at Starbucks, so we drove down to hang with them instead of watching the movie. Totally. Werth. It. Eventually, we all migrated to our house so we could play that game Hidden in Plain View. GAMER PARTY LOLZ!1111 John and Matt showed up for a bit too before I kicked 'em all out around 11:30 ;) Anyway, we've been joking that it's going to take Josh and I longer to watch all the movies than it took me to read the books, haha. I wouldn't be surprised.

Today was fun :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Last night, I learned that what I'll be doing is technically a juice feast, since my end goal is not weight loss, and I won't be restricting my intake at all... In fact, doc said I need to keep juice in my hand all day long so I get as many nutrients as I can. It's not as imperative for Josh, since one of his goals is to lose weight. But for me, I'm feasting. Maybe that's the change in mindset I was talking about needing yesterday. Maybe I need to stop thinking of this as a deprivation. It's a feast. I'll get to try so many new juice combinations! If I do it right, my energy won't be all over the place (as it usually is), because I'll be constantly nursing my juice. That's kind of encouraging :)

This week I'm trying to be creative in my meal planning... Gotta get the rest of our leftover/perishable solid foods outta the house before we start this fast! Er, feast ;) I've been wanting to be more disciplined in my meal planning, and I feel like that will be imperative to my success in this feast. If I don't go in with a plan, I'll just get overwhelmed and stress myself out. Anyway, now I have several recipes that will keep us fed / use up our supply, and a small grocery list for this week. It feels good. I hope I can keep this up through the 30 days.

I think Josh and I might actually watch the next Harry Potter tonight!!!!! :D


Three, two, one. Yippee! 

The way the light is hitting Josh's hair in this picture makes him look like he's got gray hair. It's really weird. 

Today was going to be the "figure out a strategy for the 30-day fast" day, but it didn't work out so much that way. Josh went into town and picked up some CDs at McKay, ate his "final meal" at Gabby's, and met up with Jordan to help with a school project. I'm not going to lie, my taste buds were really jealous of the Gabby's bit. I want a burger... that sounds so yummy. Am I failing our juice fast before I've even started? That's what I worry about. If I don't have the right attitude about this I know I won't be able to do it. I want to do this.. I want to get to the end of the 30 days and feel fantastic.

Wow, I almost forgot it was Thursday again... Am I a terrible person for being glad I don't have to do this after next week?

Thankful Thursday: Gifts #478-512

being on the homestretch - dreaming about buying an awesome house all for our own - feeling motivated - that Josh is finally starting to enjoy the Harry Potter movies - playing around with ideas for a new blog - Halo Party #2 - that Emily came even though she was high from paint fumes ;) - getting to sit and have a heart-to-heart with Jen - crab cakes and ravioli - hangin' with the fam - a good nap - my hawt new jeans - girl time - understanding friends when we have to cancel on them - my encouraging and very patient husband - The Three Types of Churches - all your encouraging and thoughtful responses to my blog post about being scared - Dr. Rawdon - his gentleness and kindness in advising us - a good report!! - looking forward to the challenge of this fast - hemp seeds (so much protein!) - that Josh's health is so darn good so easily - sweet and encouraging strangers - a yummy, very healthy salmon wrap -  that everyone still likes my jokes in the "Why I Hate Going to the Movies" video :D - The hilarity of Caiden on his first soda ever - getting to watch The Grinch (original) with the Musgroves - "That was the best movie ever!" - having a brother-in-law who trusts me enough to ask for advice - garlic - our juicer - an understanding husband who's willing to go to bat for me - this article: "I'm Christian, Unless You're Gay"

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


It's been a long day. We drove down to AL to see my holistic doctor, so that took pretty much all day. Then when we got home we went over to the Musgroves and had a great time hanging with "Thug Caiden" and the ladies of the family. Even though I'm tired, the laughter and friendly atmosphere was totally worth going out again :) I always feel very welcome when I'm around them..

Overall, we both got great reports at Dr. Rawdon's. Every time I've been before, there've been at least ten or eleven "trouble areas" that needed to be dealt with... This time there are only five trouble areas! I was so encouraged by that. Of course, Josh's report was amazing. I was like, "WTF WE EAT THE SAME THINGS!" But he doesn't have the food sensitivities that I do.. also he exercises, haha. So you know. 

The doc suggested a bunch of supplements to help out with my deficiencies, malabsorption issues, and imbalances (which are closely related if you think about it). Then he worked out a much smaller list of supplements to improve Josh's pancreas (the ONE area that apparently isn't 100%, haha. It's more like 90%, can you believe that guy? :P). We discussed what the best diet plan for us would be.. and (this is a biggie) we decided that we're going to do a 30 day juice fast. So no solid foods.. just smoothies and freshly pressed veggie/fruit juices for 30 days! Are we crazy? Maybe. But our insides are going to be in awesome shape when it's over. 

So tomorrow we're going to figure out our plan of attack. And we'll probably start officially in a few days. I'm very excited. Nervous! But excited. I believe I'll be able to do this, and I believe that my body will benefit greatly from it. I'll keep you guys updated during the fast, for sure. 

Yep so it's been a good day. I'm encouraged. :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Confession: I get grumpy when I'm not feeling great. Today I woke up hurting and I started worrying about going to see Rawdon tomorrow. To be honest.. I'm afraid that I won't stick to the plan again and then I'll just keep getting worse and worse until I'm a legitimate invalid. When I start thinking like that, I internalize the fear and end up lashing out. Josh doesn't deserve that :( Obviously, I still need work in the whole 'be gracious even through adversity' department. Thankfully, I realized I was being a dummy early on in the day... I apologized. I stopped internalizing. Josh listened and let me cry and assured me that he'd be with with me every step of the way :) I'm getting teary-eyed thinking about it, haha... That man is a blessing.

So anyway, sitting around and resting was the main goal today. I wanted to watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix (and Josh ACTUALLY SOUNDED EXCITED ABOUT IT - YAY!) but then Josh got several drawings in and he had too much work. So instead I caught up on Community and The Office (I was five weeks behind). Yes. You're right. That's a lot of TV. I, my friends, have a lot of down time.

So tomorrow we'll embark on a mini road trip to see the doctor. Josh has an appointment too! And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't really interested to see what his report is. Not so much my own. But I keep telling myself it'll be a good thing.

.........please just pray for me when you think about it. This stuff really does get to me. 

Monday, November 14, 2011


Well, we were supposed to hang out with Freya, Winston, Giulia, and Ben this evening, but I'm not feeling so great so we had to postpone the triple date night extravaganza. It's nothing serious, we just had a busy weekend and I haven't gotten the amount of sleep I need (which really messes with me). And I just couldn't justify going out and staying out late :( So instead, I rested. We watched some Boy Meets World season 7 :) Josh made dinner! AND he even took the picture for today :p Isn't he sweet? I'm so spoiled..

I'm hoping I'll be back to 100% by Wednesday because we're driving down to see Dr. Rawdon that afternoon. Hoping for an encouraging report... But I'm expecting a very strict diet/supplement plan. And I'm still trying to get into the right mindset for that, haha. I don't know why it's proving so difficult.

Oops, I almost forgot! Be sure to watch today's Messy Monday video: "The Three Types of Churches." IT'S A GOOD ONE. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I really like this picture of all of us! 

Dude, I never take naps. (mostly because I try to get a ton of sleep each night, and naps usually keep me from getting to sleep at the end of the day). But I actually fell asleep during the second half of today's Titan's game while we were over at my family's. Then I almost fell asleep over here at my other family's after dinner. I think my body's trying to tell me I need a day or two to recharge. Can I just say how annoying that gets sometimes? 

Other than that though, today has been really cool. I got to hang out with my family for half a football game ;), then I met up with Jen and she helped me pick out some hawt new jeans! We looked for boots too but all the boots we liked were too expensive :/ NOW we're over at the Taylor's and they're shooting tomorrow's video. It's just been a really fun day... :) 

Ok I feel like I'm not making any sense or something... so I think I'll try to take another nap while they're shooting so maybe I can kick this headache out of my life. G'night friends!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


And since I couldn't get the whole room in the shot, here's Jordan and Sarah hanging on the other side of the room..

So, the last Halo party went so well that we decided to have another one. Er, Josh decided. I found out through facebook (true story). But regardless of it's origins, we're all having a blast. Yeah, that's five TVs again. Ten players. Three observers. I like these people! It's hilarious when they start yelling at each other across the room. 

There's kind of a lot going on over here right now.. makes it difficult to focus.. bye-bye.

Friday, November 11, 2011


You guys. There are only fifty days left this year. FIFTY! How did that happen? Am I going to cry tears of happiness on January 1st when I realize that I don't have to post a picture? Probably. In all honesty though, as much as I talk about being ready for this project's end, I know I'll miss it when it's gone. 

Today was fun :) Josh and I drove around our area to check out the houses for sale. I took my notebook with me and wrote down the addresses for the promising ones. There were two obvious favorites right from the start - one of them we knew was out of our price range, but we enjoy dreaming about "someday." The other favorite surprised me - I wouldn't expect to like it if someone just described it to me. But it's just so charming and different! I fell in love with it the moment I saw it. And the street it's on is just perfect - lots of trees! :) We're praying it stays on the market for another year and a half or so, because it's just within our price range ;) Now, I know that if this particular house isn't still available by the time we have the funds, we'll still find "the one" :) But it's kinda cool having that picture in our mind to motivate us in our saving. 

Then this evening we watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! Josh liked it! YAY! I liked it too, but there were a few things that they left out I was kinda bummed about.. but they were really minor details, so nothing to get hung up on :) And we're halfway through the movies, just like that! I'm excited.

Josh suggested the other night that I do something fun and gimmicky to count down the rest of my days on this blog. I was hoping to have a solid idea by tonight (fifty is such a nice, even number), but alas. Maybe I'll do a final forty special something... If you guys can think of anything you'd like me to do or try, let me know! I'm open to ideas. :) 

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Tonight was awesome. I seriously had a blast, and I love these people.

Thankful Thursday: Gifts #439-477

two more weeks til Thanksgiving! - mulberries - coconut water - Josh's friendship with Barry - Cochran - the red beaded coin earrings that Emily got me for my birthday in Isreal (they're my favorite earrings!) - getting to have friends over! - killing zombies with my boo - feeling better - dreams - the sweetest husband in the world - both of my families' willingness to help out when we need it - that Josh is starting to be more interested in the Harry Potter movies :D - crumbled goat cheese for salads - spinach/roasted tomato/feta ravioli - working taste buds (because more than half of these are food! haha) - vanilla scented candles - challenging viewpoints - when friends find happiness - learning to coupon - not caring if some of these are doubles week to week - that I'll get to see my youngest brother in two weeks!!!!!! - that Josh lets me help out with Messy Mondays - this moment - a husband who cleans the bathroom for me (because I absolutely hate doing it) - getting to wear my cute red ankle boots - cool stuff I find on Pinterest - a nice bath - having a clean house - having great friends over :) - our new game Wheedle - Spotify music sharing partay - wii gun games - finding marbles for the Wahoo boards - *almost* playing our board's first game - "I'd say, if you have five or six good friends in a lifetime, you are truly blessed." -John Whittaker 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


One day I want to have a kitchen with lots of windows so I can take pictures using all the natural light so they don't all look like crap. Totally dreaming about an amazing future kitchen.

Ok guys, not gonna lie. This bread looks awesome. It was really fun to make! I adapted Post Punk's recipe for Marbled Banana Bread so I can eat it without getting sick. And it's delicious! :D (I used 1/2 cup honey instead of the 3/4 cup sugar) The only real difference is that honey makes everything more browned than white sugar, so there's not as much contrast in the swirls. Also, I overmixed the chocolate batter so it's a little rubbery :/ but at least I know not to do that again! 

Tonight we are hanging out with Josh's family + JEN ♥  and we're having a blast. A little catching up, a little Halo, a lot of laughing, a delicious dinner by Momma Laurie... It's a good night. This is one of my favorite places in the world to be! I just love my family so much :) 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Today has been so pretty. I love fall...

I am feeling so much better. Getting pumped about seeing Dr. Rawdon.. I'm ready to take control of my health! It won't be easy. But I believe it will be worth the trouble. Even though I will really miss peanut butter, bread, easy snacks, Kashi pizzas, and ranch dressing.. It'll be alright. After the initial detox, I'm sure I'll be able reincorporate those foods in moderation!

Annd... that's all I've got for y'all today. We're gonna check out that new show Once Upon A Time while we eat dinner. :)

Monday, November 7, 2011


Y'know that old saying, "The family that preys (on virtual zombies) together, stays together?" It's so true.

Today has been awesome! Josh and I've just been hanging out around the house all day. I know that we get to hang around the house together pretty much every day (since I don't work and he works from home), but there really is a huge difference between when he's working and when he's off for the day. When he has work, we both end up doing our own thing.. not exactly quality time. But today was one of those nice days when he didn't have to work at all :) We watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, played House of the Dead 2 and 3 on the wii, edited today's Messy Monday together, and we also laughed and flirted and generally just had a good time throughout the day! It was really good. I love that man.

Speaking of today's Messy Monday ("Why I Hate Going to the Movies"), you should seriously check it out. I'm not biased or anything... except I totally am since I had so much fun helping them out with it, haha. I'm actually in this one! I think it worked out really well despite the trouble we had with it. So what are you waiting for?! Click the blink!

I also got to see Emily today! I hadn't seen her in a week! She stopped by after work to borrow a book. It was so nice to get to hug and chat with her, even if it was just a short chat. I've missed my friends this week.. Her friendly visit was just what I needed :)

Now I think we may play some more videos games or something. G'night :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Messy Monday this week has given us a lot of trouble. Mostly because Josh's had so much work and never got to even think about it until Friday. Then they tried to film it last night but they had nothing. And it was late. So Josh drove over this morning and they tried again.. and apparently that didn't go so well either haha. So while Josh was finishing up at the Taylor's, I was hanging out with my family :D Josh got to the Feener's about half an hour into the football game.. and then we watched the rest of the game with them. Now we're at home and Josh is trying to make Messy Monday work, haha... he says it's not happening, so I think we're going to head back over to the Taylor's so they can get some better stuff to work with. Annnnd I'm starving, so I'm glad to have a direction (I was waiting on making dinner until he got to look at today's footage). So yeah hopefully this all makes sense because I'm not even going to read over it again because we need to get going, haha. BYE GUYS LOVE YOU ALL

Saturday, November 5, 2011


I finally got a picture of the pretty fall leaves in our front yard! Now fall is officially represented on my blog :) 

I got to hang out with my family-in-law today! Jordan and Ray made SMOKED SALMON!!! And it's not even my birthday!! It was amaaaazing. Jordan's a natural grill master. The boys got their hair cut tonight.. Check out Jordan's "before" shots, a la Rebel Without a Cause:

Hahaha. I was trying to get him to act like James Dean but he didn't know who that was... so I told him to act like AA Bondy, and he still wasn't sure... he said, "I don't know how to act cool." So I said, "Josiah Gibbs,"and he gave me this gem, haha. In all seriousness, Josiah really did give off a crazy cool Rebel Without a Cause vibe.

We're about to shoot Messy Monday and I think it'll be a good one :)

Friday, November 4, 2011


Date night! :) No, I'm still not 100% better, and I know that eating out isn't really the best way to get healthy, but we had a gift card to Red Lobster (thanks Jared and Anna!). We've both been cooped up all week and we've only got 12 days until we go see Dr. Rawdon (after that, our options at restaurants will be even more limited), but when it comes down to the brass tacks, we were really just ready for a date!

It was delicious. The only time I'd been to Red Lobster was for my tenth birthday, and Josh has never been at all.. but we were pleased! I enjoyed a delicious grilled shrimp bruschetta, and Josh got the fish and chips. It was so good. Our server was awesome, and I had such a great time. It was nice to get out of the house and hang out with my husband without distractions. Josh is the best!

Now we're going to watch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban while Josh gets some work done (his workload has seriously been crazy this week...). I don't think he minds too much though because he's not as into the story as I am... yet ;) Plus, a crazy work week = more $$, so no complaints in this house. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Did you know that pumpkin seeds are supposed to help you sleep? I read about them the other day, so I'm giving it a shot tonight. They apparently produce stupid looking grins in front of webcams, too. So, you know, pros and cons...

Only three more weeks until Thanksgiving! I completely forgot about last week's Thankful Thursday - I'll bet most of you didn't even notice (I sure didn't! haha). I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving, though! Getting to hang out with family all day, reflecting on all the things we're thankful for, eating foods I'm not supposed to... It's gonna be awesome.

Today was amazing because I got to see both of my moms. First, my mom came over to use our oven to bake a pie that dad needed for work, so I got to help her out with the pie and I got a few mommy hugs out of it! It was wonderful to see her in the middle of the week. :) And I want to give special attention and thanks to Josh's mom - she is the best mother-in-law ever! She is so selfless and willing to help out however she can. Y'know when I said that we really needed to grocery shopping but I can't make my way around the store? Well, Momma Laurie loved on us greatly today by buying our groceries for the week. Isn't she wonderful? It really takes a load off my mind to know we have good food in this house to keep us nourished til I'm better :) thank you so much momma Laurie! 

Thankful Thursday: Gifts #400-438

the week off of Thankful Thursdays last week (whoopsie!) - hott movie date with Jen - DamNationzz ;) - Blimey Cow's 6th birthday! - getting to hang out with Ben and Giulia - having new "married friends" - Josh's beard - finishing the Harry Potter series - the new blogger app - peanut butter and/or chocolate smoothies - that I can't even taste the spinach in them - Cara being home from Madagascar (can't wait to see her when I'm better!) - Netflix - documentaries that make you think (specifically: Maxed Out, Forks Over Knives, and The Business of Being Born) - fake Halloween parties - getting to dress up like Velma - painted on freckles - seeing everyone dressed up for the shoot - the finished product: Batman vs Halloween - getting to hang out with Alex and Matt - Starbucks green tea - grace for the Perry family to get through this difficult time - David getting home safe from South Korea - David's Welcome Home Halo party - how sweet Giulia is to chat with me all night and wait to leave so she could say goodbye - continuing to learn to have a better attitude when I get sick - that my sweet husband takes such good care of me - "If you are a Christian you have to be happy all the time" (obviously that title's a joke!) - only 58 days til the end of this year - 58 days til THE END OF THIS BLOG ♥ - finding new blogs that encourage me to eat better - getting to see my mom in the middle of the week - our working oven - a generous mother in law who'll go grocery shopping for us while I'm bedridden! Thank you mom! - learning about couponing/meal planning - Spotify - that Jen's letting us borrow the Harry Potter movies - pumpkin seeds 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Yeah so today the pain was worse again :/ and I'm bored! Only so many hours of Netflix a person can take, haha, even if there are a ton of awesome documentaries and strange TV shows to get sucked up into. And we really need to go grocery shopping but I just can't walk around a grocery store yet. And Josh has been really busy with work this week, so the chores are piling up too.. I really wish I could help out because i know that living in this cluttered house is stressful. Sometimes I feel like I'm going a little crazy! It's not Josh's fault.. He's already cooking all the meals and taking care of my every need, on top of his workload. Josh is seriously the kindest and most patient man I've ever even heard of! 

That's about it. We're watching Survivor now, yay :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Lol. He needs a haircut pretty desperately. Josh and Barry discovered a way to explore their favorite Halo maps beyond the normal barriers built in by the game's designers. It's freakin' sweet... I don't know how to describe it, but it's really cool!

I don't want to bore you guys by talking about being sick and trying to stay positive all the time. But that's my life right now. Today has been a lot better than yesterday in regards to the pain.  I did some research and came to the conclusion that eventually I will have to actually go see a real doctor (this terrifies me). But in the meantime, I have an appointment with Dr Rawdon two weeks from tomorrow. Just in time to not be able to eat any goodies at Thanksgiving! :p I'm kidding of course... Kind of. You might wonder why I don't just go to the doc now, if I already know that I'm going to have to do it.. And the reason is that I want to be the healthiest I absolutely can be when I go see that doctor, so they'll have no reason to throw steroids at me. Seriously, "hate" isn't too strong a word for how I feel about that medication.

Wow I can't believe it's almost midnight. Time flies when you're doing absolutely nothing...