Thursday, December 1, 2011


Photo Challenge for December 1st: Yourself.

31 Days left in 2011! That's crazy, isn't it? I feel like I was standing by Pop-Pop's lake taking my first 365 photo just a few weeks ago. But that was 335 days ago! 2012 is just around the corner! I won't have to schlep my big ol' camera bag everywhere I go! Such mixed feelings.

I've talked about wanting to do something special to count down my last days with this blog.. That I want to finish out strong, and I want to stop being lazy about my photo-taking. So I searched Pinterest for ideas, and I found this December Photo Challenge from Laughter and Love Photography:

Looks fun - I'm game! Day one is a self portrait, as you've already seen... But I wanted to incorporate our Christmas tree too :) :) It's our first Christmas tree! We ran out of lights while we were decorating it, so it looks kind of sad right now. But we'll get more tomorrow! I also need to get it a tree skirt. I'll be sure to put up a photo of the finished project, whenever that ends up happening. 

Christmas is really different this year for me - I'm way more into it than I've ever been before. I think it's because this is the first year that Josh and I are really getting to decorate/make the decisions about Christmas. Last year we went with his family to Florida, and don't get me wrong, that was a lot of fun and I look forward to the years we go with them again! But there's a lot to be said about getting to make your own holiday decisions. We're getting to make our own traditions as we go along... and I like it :)

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