Happy New Year! Goodbye, 2011! Goodbye, (365)TwentyEleven!
Hello, 2012! Hello, fresh start! Hello, big dreams!
2011 was a big year. It was our first full year of marriage, I quit my first-ever job that I'd had for almost six years, and I tackled this huge year-long project. Here we are at the end of the year, and I made it!
You guys know that there have been ups and downs this year, in regards to my health. But I am so encouraged by how far I've come compared to the beginning of the year. I haven't felt this good since before I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease! Praise God for this restoration, and for His provision which allowed me to stay home to focus on my health! I'm so thankful for my husband too, as he helps me stay healthy. I think this is the biggest deal about this year to me. I still have a ways to go, but I feel like I'm finally beginning to figure this health stuff out.
Not only has my body been restored in tangible and encouraging ways this year, but I've grown in other areas too. Through marriage, I've learned valuable lessons in patience, honesty, and generosity, to name a few. You guys, marriage is hard! True communication doesn't come naturally. But it's totally worth it, because the best thing in the world is to know and to be known by your best friend! I'm so glad that I get to walk through life with my Josh ♥
Through the commitment I made with this 365 blog, I've grown in discipline and creativity. I can't tell you how proud I am of myself that I stuck with this project! And my camera no longer scares the crap outta me - I feel so much more confident with my "fancy camera" and with taking photos in groups. I'm even going to help shoot a wedding in May! I also feel more confident in my writing - expressing myself is something I've always struggled a little bit with, so I've really appreciated having this blog as a safe place to express myself and hone my writing skills, even if only a little :) I would recommend a 365 project to anyone who's thinking about starting one. Just do it! You'll be glad you did :)
You guys know that there have been ups and downs this year, in regards to my health. But I am so encouraged by how far I've come compared to the beginning of the year. I haven't felt this good since before I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease! Praise God for this restoration, and for His provision which allowed me to stay home to focus on my health! I'm so thankful for my husband too, as he helps me stay healthy. I think this is the biggest deal about this year to me. I still have a ways to go, but I feel like I'm finally beginning to figure this health stuff out.
Not only has my body been restored in tangible and encouraging ways this year, but I've grown in other areas too. Through marriage, I've learned valuable lessons in patience, honesty, and generosity, to name a few. You guys, marriage is hard! True communication doesn't come naturally. But it's totally worth it, because the best thing in the world is to know and to be known by your best friend! I'm so glad that I get to walk through life with my Josh ♥
It seriously tickles me every time someone says something about this blog to me in real life :) You guys have no idea how encouraging it is that you all care about my pictures and the things I have to say! Thanks for keeping me accountable, and for putting up with having my camera shoved in your face at times ;) If any of you are interested, I've already got plans for a new blog and project and it's COMING SOON! I'll link to the new blog on here in a few days :)
I love that I'll always have this project to remember this sweet and full first year. It's been a wonderful year of healing and growth, and I look forward to all the things God has for us in this next year!
I'm so proud of you! This project has been wonderful! Now I can't wait to see the new blog up and running! Happy 2012!